October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an annual campaign where people show their love and support for those who have been affected by breast cancer. Many law enforcement departments in America raise awareness for the disease, whether it be wearing pink patches on their uniform, carrying pink badges, or even driving pink police cars. These officers stay true to their missions of maintaining a proactive partnership with their communities by honoring those lives lost to breast cancer.
Our American officers help increase awareness about breast cancer and raise funds for research in the areas of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure. The Shop Erazor Bits family acknowledges the great work of law enforcement which is why we decided to create high quality products that embodied their commitment to protect life.
Our Elite Breed Police Fight Cancer Premium T-Shirt contains a little patch of pink to reflect police uniforms during October. Also available in a hoodie or long sleeve.
Our Police Race for a Cure Premium Hooded Sweatshirt has the words Hope, Faith, Courage, and Strength surrounding the symbolic pink ribbon centered in a police badge, showing the connectedness of law enforcement and breast cancer awareness.
Along with our American officers, Shop Erazor Bits offers support and encouragement to make sure that people affec tabinfdex="0"