You know you’re onto a good set of glassware when it has ‘Tank’ in the name. Our officially licensed USMC tankards are made for anyone who wants to show their Patriotism and Pride in our beloved Marine Corps - whether those in active service or veterans. Made of high quality, heavyweight glass with a high definition decal and printed right here in the USA - they make the perfect gifts for moms and dads, brothers and sisters, and feel right at home in any drinks cabinet.
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Unsure of what to choose? Check out our famousBadge of Honortankard with Honor, Service and Sacrifice emblazoned across it. The Medal of Honor represents the highest award for achievement and bravery that can be given to any Marine in the United States. In judging men for receipt of the medal, the deed must be proved by incontestable evidence of at least two eyewitnesses; it must be so outstanding that it clearly distinguishes the recipient's gallantry beyond the call of duty. Featuring two, twinned US Flags (Old Glory never looked so good) and the Eagle, Globe and Anchor emblem with 1775 (the year of the Marines’ creation) and Semper Fi (meaning Always Faithful), this truly is a gold star Tankard.
While you’re here, check out our Double Flag tankards which combines the awesome US Marines flag and the unforgettable Old Glory. The emblem of the USMC features the Eagle, Globe and Anchor. The American Bald Eagle represents a Marine's affinity with the United States: they rise above the crowd and serve country above all else. The Globe signifies the international dedication of the Marine Corps and its areas of responsibility: Marines will fight to win wherever they’re sent, any time or place. The Anchor dates back to the founding of the Marine Corps in 1775 and represents close ties with the US Navy. This tankard design is an awesome reminder for anyone that serves, that Once a Marine, Always a Marine. If that’s not something to drink to, we don’t know what is. Oorah.